Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Cedric has thrush! Poor boy. I noticed yesterday some white film along the inside of his cheek that would not rub off. That also explained his odd diaper rash that began developing 2 days ago. And also a 1-day-old sore nipple (mine). We took him to the doctor and got a prescription for Lotrimin cream (for his bum) and nystatin drops. Luckily the drops are not the kind that would turn his mouth purple. If it was purple we basically couldn't go in public for 2 weeks. 8-)

I really considered doing a home remedy, but since he's nursing we would be passing it back and forth between us, so I decided that "quickly" wiping it out with the heavy duty stuff would be the better way to go. He's getting a daily dose of yogurt though.

Who knows how he got it. He's not nursing very often anymore and the binki is not used often either.... I hate to think what he chewed on to get it. :-/ Yuck!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Poor little man :( Good thing about that gentian violet stuff though... that would NOT be fun.