Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday musings

Well, here I am at work again. This morning we had our first frost down here in the valley. The leaves are starting to turn colors and my fingers are cold most of the time. Soon they will be "always" cold. :-/ Winter is not much fun. Oh, for about 2 months it's fun. But we get at least 4 months of the white stuff.

Aunt Margaret stopped by at our place on her way up to Mom and Dad's. She arrived around 2:30 and stayed, waiting for Mom to finish work, until 6:30. We had a good time visiting. We talked a lot about our shared interest in nutrition, natural personal care products, and alternative medicine. She shared a great recipe for a breakfast drink that I am going to give a try.

I am about over my cold and thanks, I think, to Cedric's 3-hour nap yesterday, he is over his. At least as far as I can tell. Tim has yet to catch it. I doubt he will. He seems to avoid most colds that go around.

My tattoo is on the tail-end of the "itchy" stage. Man, was that annoying! I'll tell ya, the length of the "sunburn" feel and itching during the healing process is almost as bad as the needle itself, which lasts a much shorter amount of time! I'll have to keep my eye out for tank tops that will show off my tattoo for next summer. I don't like the spaghetti-strap tanks but they have to be low in the back.... It'll take some searching I think.

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