Saturday, September 22, 2007

At work

I am at work right now, down at Havillah Road Printing. It is usually pretty slow on Saturdays, so I have time to catch up on some internet time.

Things are going well with Hemi. He is catching onto paper training fairly quickly. I am going to start kennel training at nights probably tomorrow night. He has been sleeping on Tim's and my bed. :) I just didn't want his move to a new home to be so shocking. Leaving the only home he's known and a life with several other dogs always around is hard enough without suddenly sleeping all alone all night. A little at a time. :) Cedric is doing better every day with treating him gently.

Tim's mom, Diane, called the other day. I don't think we've talked on the phone since they were out in June. They seem to be doing well. I do wish that they were a little closer. It would be nice to spend enough time with them that it is no longer uncomfortable. For the first few years of Tim's and my relationship, it seemed that every contact we had with them was drama-filled. It's no longer that way and I can really enjoy being with them (they are so nice and so funny!), but it's hard rewriting that first-impression emotional response.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Dear Lin,
I'm glad you had a chance to visit with Diane. Since you have free long distance, perhaps a weekly call to them would help, catching them up on how Cedric is doing, etc. I know how much your calls
mean to me. They brighten up my whole day!