Sunday, September 23, 2007

This weekend

I had a really good time spending the evening, night, and day at Mom and Dad’s with Amber, Easton, Kadin, and Mom! We got in lots of visiting, and it was so fun watching the kids playing together. Kadin is so caring, gentle, and patient with Cedric, and he really seems to enjoy him. It’s so great to see. : ) Cedric has a definite interest in Easton as well. It sure won’t be long until they’re having a blast together, too. Here are a couple pictures of Cedric and Easton at the beginning of our trip back up the hill this morning after breaskfast at Fat Boys and at the end of the trip. : )

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Hemi has really come out of his shell since hanging out at Mom and Dad’s. Kadin spent a lot of time holding him, which Hemi seemed to really enjoy. Since we’ve been home, Hemi hasn’t been hiding in his kennel like he had been and has been running around playing with Cedric’s toys. Grammy, you were wondering how much Hemi weighs. He is 3 pounds. This is a pic of him snoozing on Mom's couch.

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We have been missing Tim these last couple days that he has been gone while hiking/camping/caving with Dad and Josh. Two more nights to go.


DARALYN said...

I can't beleive that you had the where-with-all to TAKE A PICTURE OF IT!!

Holy Smokes, lady!

80 Mom

Amber said...

They are so cute!!!