Tim is working 1 to 10pm today, and I spent several hours this afternoon up at Mom and Dad's house. I usually stay until Cedric's bedtime, 8pm, so that he'll fall asleep on the way, but the weather has been weird lately with melting and then freezing so Tim preferred that we make our way home in daylight. Thus we left for home around 4pm. It was good to see Mom and Dad. Dad even made an early dinner for us of roast, potatoes and carrots and onions, and gravy. It hit the spot. I always enjoy spending a Saturday up there. Man, so does Cedric. :) He was talking the whole time. We spent some time at the table visiting, and Cedric kept asking to pray. He liked to get up on an adult-sized chair and sit on the edge like a big boy and then he would grab his hands together, bow his head, though still looking at us, and say "pay, pay, pay." Well we said more than a few extra prayers this afternoon, that's for sure. :)
I am off to bed now though. I didn't get a nap today, and I am pretty pooped.
I have a fair collection of cool pictures I've found over the last couple years, and I thought I'd start sharing them one by one here on my blog. So here is another. It's a thought provoker. The artist could have intended several different messages. What do you think?
1 comment:
Dad says that he thinks it means that we are all plunking along in our old ways, unaware of the spiritual changes going on around us...
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