Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pics & Videos

Cienna has begun teething for sure this past week. She's drooling like crazy, and her fussiness usually responds well to Hylands Teething Tablets. She has become so smiley this past week as well. Finally! :) I'll try to get a video of it sometime. I've been meaning to post more recent pictures of her as well, so there'll be more picture blogs soon.

In the mean time, here are some misc. pictures taken recently. The first is of Mom, Cienna, Cedric & Cian on the 8th. That's Cedric's camera smile. He always squints his eyes, thinking that he's actually smiling. :)

Cian and Cienna napping together. They actually stayed like that for a while.

Another nap.

Daddy and Cedric late one night at Josh & Amber's.

Cedric & Cienna at our house.

While we were at Josh and Amber's they got to play their Rock Band game. Cedric was the star singer for a while.

Here is a video of Cedric "sharing" Cienna's binky. Silly goose.

Just tonight I had both Cedric and Cienna on my lap, heads leaning on my shoulders and facing eachother, and then Cedric swapped binkys with Cienna. She had his and he had hers. It was rather precious.


DARALYN said...

These videos are precious! Good times...

Tim and Holly said...

I love it. :)