Cienna had her 2-month checkup a couple weeks ago and she was in the upper 90% for everything: her height, weight, and head. She was 13 lbs. 14 oz.! :) I guess I was always in the 90% as an infant too, so it's not surprising for Cienna.
I think Cienna is going to keep her dark grey-blue eyes, just like mine. They're definitely not as ambiguous as Cedric's were at this age. Cedric's finally turned light brown (some call it hazel or greenish brown) at 12 months. I think it's neat that Cedric has my hair and Tim's eyes, while Cienna has Tim's hair and my eyes. :)
Here is Cienna's first camera-captured smiles:
This picture was taken a few nights ago. Cedric got out these casserole dishes and fed his "friends" dinner:

Here is a picture of Tim in his LaFou getup. It looked great on stage!:

Well, I am bummed that Obama won. Not surprised but bummed. I am concerned about the drift away from freedom in healthcare and education choices, as well as having a militarily inexperienced Commander-In-Chief who is more concerned with the popular vote than military strategy and integrity. What bothers me the most however is his plan to sign the FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act) which will wipe away all restrictions and safe-guards on abortion including parental notification, partial birth abortion, and the ability of individual states of regulating abortion within their borders. I am all for women's rights; however, there is never a time when it is appropriate to take another person's life simply because they are a huge and painful inconvenience or embarassment to you. This is human life we are talking about, people. There is no other honest way of looking at it. Abortion is not the best choice.

Reality Check:
Partial Birth Abortion

1 comment:
I love that pic of Cienna's smile! So sweet. :)
I like to look at it this way - I am pro-life AND pro-choice. I believe women should have a say in their bodies and not be "reproductive machines". They have the right to choose their sexual partners. They have the right to choose if and when they have sexual relations. They have a right to demand protection to be used and what kind. After making these choices, they have the responsibility of accepting the consequences of their choices. ALL the consequences of their choices. To demand an additional choice to get out of their original bad decisions at the expense of the life of another human being is ridiculous.
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