We are down to that last few weeks before opening night of Beauty and The Beast. Unfortunately, practices are scheduled 6 days a week until then. As long as we don't get another cold the kids and I will hang in there, but we really miss seeing daddy like we're used to. Tim's having a blast! I really look forward to seeing the play. I hope that Cedric will be able to recognize his daddy up there on stage. Though I hear, as LaFou, he gets beat up and pushed around a lot... I hope it doesn't upset or confuse Cedric! Hmmm....
This is my favorite time of year. I dislike that it means Winter is right around the corner, but I really love Fall. The colors are the best, and it's just the right temperature. Things get back down to a routine, and it just gets cozier (sp?).
Both Cienna and Cedric are doing really well. Cedric is very ready for potty training, so we're working more on that. Cienna fits really well into a routine, that is, it's not impossible to keep somewhat of a schedule. We're getting better at this 2-child thing, I think. :) I am so thankful that she is a good sleeper!
It has been tough getting used to a different level of disorder around the house. I knew that this would bug me, but it doesn't make it any easier when it's actually happening. I need to thoroughly shift my concept of a "successful" day to simply meeting the physical and emotional needs of my kids. Lindy, it's okay just to sit and cuddle with your babies amidst a torn apart house.... And it's okay for Ced to stay up until 9pm because Cienna needs you to rock her to sleep instead.... It's okay if he never got a bath tonight.... Cedric can play by himself for the afternoon.... It's okay to plug in the cartoons more than once today............................ *sigh*
Anyway.... :) Here are a couple pictures. I thought the video was kind of cute, nothing spectacular, just cute. But maybe only to a mother's eyes. :)

That IS a cute video. :) It's so good to hear about your days and I'm glad you are getting a schedule going. I love you guys.
Your video brought a big smile to my face as I sit here in the dark morning with a cup'o coffee. :)
There's more and more meaning to my poem-
Dusting and sweeping can wait 'til tomorrow,
For children grow up we learn to our sorrow,
So settle down cobwebs and dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
The video was cute to a great-grandma's eyes too. How precious they are - and what a good big brother! Thank you for your pictures and videos. Can just hardly wait to see you and little ones on the 19th.
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